Losing 130 Pounds in 4 Months - Lucy's Success Story

With a smile plastered on her face Lucy Mitchell stood next to her friend on what should have been one of the happiest days of her life. She had been chosen as a bridesmaid - but instead of revelling in the celebrations, Lucy felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. At 310 pounds and in a size 24 dress, Lucy's smike was fake because she was so worried she was "ruining her pal's wedding" snaps. She had spent the day desperately avoiding standing with the rest of the wedding party when photos were being taken. Lucy even deleted the only photo she had taken with the bride because she was so upset with how she looked. But as she was heading back to Kent from the ceremony in Ireland her friend messaged her some snaps. Lucy said: "I was just horrified. There was one side-on and another back view which were diabolical. When I saw them I actually told my friend I thought I’d ruined her wedding photos. I’d forced myself to smile during the day but seeing those photos and...